Born in England in 1866, H.G. Wells's parents were shopkeepers in Kent, England. His first novel, The Time Machine was an instant success and Wells produced a serie of science fiction novels which pioneered our ideas of the future. His later work focused on satire and social criticism. Wells laid out his socialist views of human history in his outline of history. He died in 1946.
The book you're about to read about is one of the best that the author has ever written, as you might read, it is the Time Machine, there it's shaped the idea that the science-fiction has always had, to travel in time. Therefore, H. G. Wells creates a master piece, where the each character gives his own point of view about the topic that is carried out along the story.
The author relates us
his opinion about the trips in time from a philosophical and scientific
outlook, encompassing an emotional and enjoyable story.
the book it is described the magnificent and hard work that the time traveler
has as he has invented a time machine that can take anyone wherever he/she
wants but the problem they're about ot face is that they actually don't know what date they will be once the machine is used. It is also described the amazing visited worlds, and the thinking way
the main character has.
1. The
time traveler: He's a scientist who has a laboratory at home where he prepares a machine that can travel in time.
10. Weena: She belongs to the Elois and helps the traveler to find his machine due to the rescue she had because of him.


The psychologist: He's a character that gives an explanation about everything he knows and also about the people thinking way.
5. The
doctor: He's the character who criticizes the traveler.
6. Young
man: He only cares about money in the story, but he likes learning philosophy.
The silent man: This character heards the time traveler and understands him.
Mrs. Watchets: This girl is in charged of the time traveler's home keys.
9. Richardson: This guy is the traveler's servant.

11. Mr. Blanck: He is a newspaper director.
12. The journalist: This
is a man that remains incredulous about what the time traveler says.
In his own time, the traveler went to talk about the time travel and the time machine to his friends but they not even believed in his words, so the time traveler went to his laboratory and showed them the time machine hoping that they would finally believe him. At the end, he prepares himself for the next trip he will have no matter where.
- The time machine provides us a different way to think about everything that surround us by making the reader analizes each fact that happens in our lives, but besides that, the book takes us to see further and not to surrender when someone questions us about a new plan we are having, for example the traveler when no one trusted him but at the end he was applauded because of the invention he had made, therefore, we must be as creative as the main character was in this magnificent book.
- I think the book "The Time Machine" is a very interesting story, because it gives us ideas about what is travel in time, philosophy and science, which makes it entertaining for people who like to read scientific texts or philosophical texts.
- Camilo Esteban Carrero Castro.
- Pablo José Inocencio García.
time traveler is joined to a group of friends that talk to each other about the
dimensions that exist in the world, they discuss if they’re actually three or not, as the
traveler says that the time is the fourth one, anyway the continue saying that the time isn't another dimension as people cannot travel in time, so the traveler answers that if we remember a fact or if we have an expectation, then, we'll be traveling in time.
the time traveler goes to his laboratory in order to take the model he was doing for the time machine, when he goes back to the meeting and shows to all of his friends the
new experiment he’s working on, they get amazed and start to trust him.
The same friends who the traveler was talking to, invited him to have dinner at his house but after being waiting for a long time, they started to think that he wouldn't assist; suddenly, someone knocked at the door and when it was opened, the time traveler was there full of dust and kind of injured.
He took a shower and when he had dinner, he started to tell the experience he had in the other world: After having used the time machine, the man traveled to another age, where the things were totally different from now, but he got a trouble that measured his survival skills, the time machine got lost and to get it back, the time traveler must get into the sphinx where it was.
The man explained to his friends that the people who lived there didn't care about having a conversation or about the others' health, so he thought that the humanity was about to finish, therefore the time traveler had to save a girl named Weena, who was about to die when she was swimming in a lake, and the Elois (short people who wore tunics and sandals) didn't save her. Weena got really thankful with the time traveler so she decided to follow and help him to find the way back to home.
The time traveler found the Morlocks and they attacked him, but he used a match and the Morlocks left him. The time traveler and Weena walked to a safe place and found a big palace, they entered and they rested down an apple tree. When they were sleeping a horde of Morlocks tried to kill them, but they escaped with another match, regrettably Weena disappeared and the time traveler did'nt find her. So the time traveler went to the time machine which was in a white sphinx, when he crossed the door, inmediately the Morlocks came but he reached the time machine and escaped. ENDING:
In his own time, the traveler went to talk about the time travel and the time machine to his friends but they not even believed in his words, so the time traveler went to his laboratory and showed them the time machine hoping that they would finally believe him. At the end, he prepares himself for the next trip he will have no matter where.

- The time machine provides us a different way to think about everything that surround us by making the reader analizes each fact that happens in our lives, but besides that, the book takes us to see further and not to surrender when someone questions us about a new plan we are having, for example the traveler when no one trusted him but at the end he was applauded because of the invention he had made, therefore, we must be as creative as the main character was in this magnificent book.
- I think the book "The Time Machine" is a very interesting story, because it gives us ideas about what is travel in time, philosophy and science, which makes it entertaining for people who like to read scientific texts or philosophical texts.
- Camilo Esteban Carrero Castro.
- Pablo José Inocencio García.
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